
Fall 2014 - 2D Design - Piece 5

Moving on from Piece 4, we went even bigger- sadly.  This piece is twice as big as the last assignment, so it ended up taking twice as long.  At this point I was completely sick of black and white, sharpies, rubber cement, and the class in general.  Thankfully though, this was the conclusion to our black and white concentrations, as we were about to move on to the painting part of the course!

Materials: two 18" x 24" sheet of all-purpose white paper, various collage elements (aka I printed out pictures of trees and whatnot in black and white and then cut them up,) black and white construction paper, a 15" ruler, rubber cement, several black sharpies, and a black Prismicolor pencil.

Fall 2014 - 2D Design - Piece 4

Looking through all of the assignments I was given, this was definitely one of the more... intensive ones (to say the least.)  This was completed last year around the time of Thanksgiving (YES!  I am that far behind on posting!!)  
I remember this one pretty well because it was assigned to us during Fall break.  My Fall break was spent with my loving family... cooped up in a hotel room.  This project caused me to sacrifice my Fall break; I get to see my family for the first time in months... and what do I do?  I spent those few hours slaving over a design project.  
They did manage to pull me out of my hysterics for a few hours by taking me to see The Boxtrolls (which was perfect by the way- I am a die hard Tim Burton fan.)  
If I were to take a guess... I'd say this project took 18+ hours to complete.  

Materials: one 18" x 24" sheet of all-purpose white paper, black and white construction paper, a 15" ruler, rubber cement, several black sharpies, and a black Prismicolor pencil.

(I don't know if you can tell by the picture, but there is a layer of paper collage.)

Fall 2014 - 2D Design - Piece(s) 3

This assignment required us to collage 7 different black and white shapes; the shapes could be circles, triangles, rectangles, and squares of different sizes.  The goal of the assignment was to create three different dynamic compositions under the constraints we were given.

Materials: 8.5" x 11" sheets of black/white construction paper and rubber cement.

Fall 2014 - 2D Design - Piece 2

I know I'm bad at posting... still trying to get better at this whole blogging thing!


Well... I lost the paper that described the assignments so...

Materials: Two 18" x 24" sheets of all-purpose white paper, and an assortment of different sized black Sharpies. 

Fall 2014 - 2D Design - Piece 1

I think that from here on out I'm going to try to post a piece of my work every day!  
Look at it as a sort of "art dump."  I will be posting all of the work that I have completed; most of it being work that was completed throughout the fall semester.  I was too lazy to do this before, but now I'm going to try to stick to a schedule!

I hope you guys enjoy the plethora of boring assignments that I had to complete for my foundations classes!


Just Line
Objective: To study the potential of line to create form by making a non-objective composition constructed entirely of line.  Lines should contain the full range of values, as well as dynamic balance of figure/ground (ambiguity) and positive/negative shapes on the picture plane.

Materials: One 18" x 24" sheet of all-purpose white paper, several black prismacolor pencils, and one 15" metal ruler.

My Last Painting of High School

Okay!  So I know what you're probably thinking... high school??  Wasn't that a while ago?!
Well, yes.. and as you guys can probably tell, I suck at this whole blogging thing..
I am going to try to keep posting though (even if months pass in between each post.)
Hopefully one day I'll just become inspired to uphold a blog, but until then, sparse posting now and then will have to do!
So!  Without further adieu, here is the last painting that I had complete for my AP Studio class.
I haven't touched oil paints since.. as much as it pains me to admit.  I really miss the medium and hope that some day I'll have time for them. 
This last piece really shows how much progress I made throughout my senior year.. I never like my work, so of course I have nothing really to say about it.. but here it is.

Sadly, I don't have the painting in front of me at the moment, but I think the canvas is 20" x 24".
Oil paint on stretched canvas.

Senior Concentration: 12/12 - THE LAST PIECE!


The time spent creating this body of work went by way too quickly!
Look for a future post about the concentration as a whole!
I really want to reflect on how this process changed me as an artist, but I'm seriously pressed for time right now!

Acrylic and Oil paint on stretched canvas.
I think that this is a little bigger than 16"x20"?

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