Senior Concentration: 12/12 - THE LAST PIECE!


The time spent creating this body of work went by way too quickly!
Look for a future post about the concentration as a whole!
I really want to reflect on how this process changed me as an artist, but I'm seriously pressed for time right now!

Acrylic and Oil paint on stretched canvas.
I think that this is a little bigger than 16"x20"?

Senior Concentration: 11/12

Looking back, these paintings make me really emotional... like gosh.
Not that they're that good, I just miss all of the time I spent painting.
I miss the people I sat with, my teacher, my high school.. just everything..
I'm only a freshman in college, so who knows how I'm going to react when I'm older!

Acrylic and oil paint on stretched canvas.

Senior Concentration: 10/12

These final pieces have become some of my favorites.. 
From start to finish, I definitely can admit that I improved.
Sadly, I haven't been able to paint for a few months now.. and I have no idea when I'll be able to get back to doing what I love.

Acrylic and oil paint on stretched canvas.

Senior Concentration: 9/12

Definitely one of my favorite pieces (oh my gosh, I sort of like something that I made??).
Still sort of bothered by some aspects, but I think that if I tried to fix parts, I would end up making this piece worse!

Acrylic and oil paint on stretched canvas.

Senior Concentration: 8/12

Yet another piece that I'm not a fan of.. 
I think during this process I hit a rough couple of weeks where my inspiration was low and I wasn't too motivated to work.
I may work back into this one eventually, but for now it will be left alone.

Acrylic and oil paint on stretched canvas.

Senior Concentration: 7/12

I'm sorry for my absence; college has consumed every second of my life, and I haven't had any time to update my blog!
I'm going to try to get back to updating every now and then!
While I sort out my life, here is piece seven from my senior concentration!
This may be one of my least favorite.. it's quite sad...

Acrylic and oil paint on stretched canvas.

Senior Concentration: 5/12

So, I was doing good with posting every day... for about 4 days... then failed!  
I don't know if it's lack of motivation, fear of saying the wrong thing, or whatever, but I have to get back to keeping up with this lifeless blog!
This is the first piece I actually had kind of liked (big accomplishment mentally) but then again... I felt I could do a lot better.  Piece 5.
Acrylic and oil paint on stretched canvas.

Senior Concentration: 4/12

So at this point I was a third way through my senior concentration.  I was continuing to develop my theme/ideas, and was progressing rather well.  Looking back on this piece, I'm extremely unhappy.  I see so many anatomically wrong features, but I'm just really not feeling like they're worth fixing.  So this is piece four.
Acrylic and Oil paint on stretched canvas.
16" x 20"

Senior Concentration: 3/12

This is the third piece of my concentration.  At this point I had developed a method for my paintings.  I would start with the pattern by using acrylic paints.  After the acrylic pattern dried, I would move on to doing the portrait in oil paints.  My portraiture was getting a weeee bit better, but yeah, I was just in the beginnings of my journey.
Acrylic and Oil paint on stretched canvas.
20" x 16".

Senior Concentration: 2/12

Yes.. as I promised.. this is part two of my senior concentration.. 
Yes, it makes me want to cry.
Yes, it's complete crap.
But hey, we all start somewhere right?
Oil and Acrylic Paints on Stretched Canvas.
I think it's a 14" x 11" canvas.

Concentration Piece: 1/12

The first piece of my concentration.. wasn't in love with it back in.. September?  
I honestly can say that my hate for it has grown.
Pretty sure that this piece is 12" x 32".
Oil paint on canvas boards.
Ashamed of it.. but hey, it was my second or third time using oil paints.
Tomorrow I'll post piece 2/12.. it is considerably worse :')

AP Concentration

I know this is eons late.. but I finished my concentration... ON TIME.
That was a huge surprise for me, because I really had no hopes of it being done before the deadline.  Now the fun part is waiting... I get to see my final score on... July... 7th... I think?  
I will slowly upload everything, I promise.
Hopefuly my next post (:

Art Stuff!

Since I kind of had a period of disappearance, I thought that I would give everyone a little update!
So!  It's been a rough year.. but I'm still hanging in there.  Advanced Placement art class has been... advanced?  I guess you could say?  Hah.

A little about Advanced Placement Studio;

It sucks
It's stressful
One piece due every two weeks
It's stressful
You pick a topic, and then create twelve cohesive pieces about that topic
It's stressful
And it's due May... 9th?  I think?

I'm no where near done (:

Now I made these little preview shots a few weeks ago, (so I am a good bit further than this), but here's what this year looks like!

Later I'll probably make another post, to show what one of my (almost finished pieces look like).

Love you guys!  
(I know my blog is small at the moment, but I appreciate every single one of my readers!)


Galina Thomas: GIVEAWAY! $200 of NARS Cosmetics

Hey guys!!
Galina Thomas's Blog, is having their first giveaway!

So the prize is 2 VOGUE magazine cover postcards and NARS cosmetics worth £150:

 Mini Multiple set for eyes, cheeks, lips. Sweet Disposition 3712 £24
Blush/Bronzer DUO. Sin Casino 5122 £30
Single eyeshadow. Night Life 2062 £17
Single eyeshadow. California 2018 £17
Duo eyeshadow. Dogon 3084 £25
Velvet Gloss lip pencil. Frivolous 9103 £17.50
Cinematic lipstick. Future red 9603 £18.5

To enter, check out the rules on her blog!!

The giveaway is worldwide and ends on April 22nd!  So hurry!

I'm Sorry!!

Hello all!

I really haven't been on here in forever.. I guess I just felt like no one really cared about this blog.. but I know that you have to grow your blog before you gain followers!  So I'm really going to try to get back into this thing!  If anyone has any tips, I would love to hear them!  

The Lost Blogger,

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